Local Impact
The funds generated by the the Holiday Tour of Homes are donated back to the community in the form of grants that support the Savannah Downtown Neighborhood Association's mission:
...to enhance the quality of life in the National Historic Landmark District, protect Savannah’s unique downtown environment, and advocate public policies which support these objectives.
Funds from the 2023 Holiday Tour provided food and services to the needy, sponsored educational and athletic activities for children, addressed domestic violence issues, and supported the history and culture of Savannah.
2024 Grant Awardees
Funds raised through the 2023 Holiday Tour of Homes supported...
Ardsley Park/Chatham Crescent Garden Club
Coastal Heritage Society
Coastal Youth Choirs/Savannah Children’s Choir, Inc.
Emmaus House
Flannery O’Connor Childhood Home Foundation
Frank Callen Boys & Girls Club
Friends of Massie Heritage Center
Historic Savannah Foundation
Heads-Up Guidance Services, Inc.
King-Tisdell Cottage Foundation
Loop It Up Savannah Inc.
Park Place Outreach, Inc.
Re:Purpose Savannah
SAFE Shelter Center for Domestic Violence Services, Inc.
Savannah Jewish Federation/Jewish Educational Alliance
Savannah Repertory Theatre
Tharros Place Inc
Union Mission, Inc.
Wesley Community Centers of Savannah, Inc.
Thank you for helping the DNA support our hardworking community and our beautiful city.